The Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology is a bi-annual publication. All articles published in this journal must be contributed to it exclusively. The following types of papers are accepted: Original papers, out line summaries of special problems, short news, reviews items on new developments and other topics of current interest in Pharmacology and related subjects.
Articles are to be in English, typed and double spaced in MS-WORD software, Institutional address should follow authors.
References: References should be cited by giving the author’s last name and the year of publication. At the end the manuscript they should be listed in alphabetical order. Include: 1) the name(s) of author(s) and initials, 2) year of publication, 3) the title of the article, 4) abbreviated journal name, 5) volume number, 6) beginning page number. References to books should included: l) name and initials of the authors(s), 2) year of publications, 3 title, 4) edition number, 5) publisher, 6) city of publication.
Tables: All tables and illustrations should be provided with short descriptive legends, numbered consecutively, and their relevant position in the text clearly indicated. Tables should have concise headings to all columns and be identified by Roman numbers e.g. Table-IV. Diagrams and graphs should be supplied in a suitable finished form for reproduction and in proportion to the column width (120 mm). Photographic illustrations will only be accepted at the discretion of the Editor. Illustrations should be identified by Arabic numerals, e.g. Figure-4.
Key Words: To facilitate filing of manuscripts, please type 2-3 key terms all in capital letters at the very top right-hand corner of the title page.
Manuscripts in duplicate should be sent to Editor-in-Chief, Pakistan Journal of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Pakistan
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